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YOR: 108 of 113
·FDJ ·22 ·45 §68 ·91
·FC ·23 ·46 ·69 ·92
·Ins ·24 ·47 ·70 ·93
·T1 ·25 ·48 ·71 ·94
·T2 ·26 ·49 ·72 §95
§Ack §27 ·50 ·73 ·96
§FW ·28 ·51 ·74 ·97
§6 ·29 ·52 ·75 ·98
·7 ·30 ·53 ·76 ·99
·8 ·31 §54 ·77 ·100
§9 ·32 ·55 ·78 ·101
·10 ·33 ·56 ·79 ·102
·11 ·34 ·57 ·80 ·103
·12 ·35 ·58 §81 ·104
·13 ·36 ·59 ·82 ·105
·14 ·37 ·60 ·83 ·106
·15 §38 ·61 ·84 ·107
·16 ·39 ·62 ·85 §108
·17 ·40 ·63 ·86 ·109
·18 ·41 ·64 ·87 ·BC
·19 ·42 ·65 ·88 ·BDJ
·20 ·43 ·66 ·89
·21 ·44 ·67 ·90

Page 106

reputation for metal fashioning brings orders for ornamental iron and bronze doors, balustrades and decorative entrance gates to special designs, canopies for theatres, cinemas and hotels, lift enclosures and other elaborate requirements.
    The company also carries out a great number of individual orders for perhaps a single article or product. The drawing office at the Borough works is often busy working on plans and specifications for some such requirement and if an order, however eccentric or intricate, comes broadly within the company's scope, it is accepted and carefully fulfilled.
    Haywards have travelled a long way since those far off days of Samuel Hayward and his Bread Street warehouse. Comparing his rough glass with the lenses of today, that worthy tradesman could only see the future "through a glass darkly." Today, the future is brighter than in 1783 when there was no long experience in the glass and iron trades to add conviction and encouragement. The company can look back with pride on a long record which began in such a modest and simple manner under Samuel Hayward. It is not optimistic to believe that further great strides will be made. The temptation, when one has worked hard and travelled far, to rest on laurels won, is always steadily resisted.
    This short chronicle has necessarily been concerned on the surface with those at the head of affairs. Many others who in their own way have played an equally significant part are unknown by name. Simple men, working just as partners and directors did to maintain the standards set up, they have come and gone with the years. Yet, out of their endeavours grew an attitude without which the company could scarcely exist, its traditions could not be maintained or its hall-mark safeguarded.
    At time moves on, new chapters are being added. Each day may bring some development which the future historian will recognise in its true perspective. The King's advice to Alice in Wonderland, that she should begin at the beginning and go on until she came to the end and then stop, does not apply. Inevitably, the next chapter in the Hayward story starts where this one closes.