Extérieur d'une halle de grande
Verrerie à plats pour les vitres. |
a |
| halle de la grande Verrerie. |
b |
petite halle servant d'entrée à la grande Verrerie. |
c |
berceau composé de feuillages, sous lequel les gentilshommes
verriers prennent le repos & le frais. |
d |
gentilshommes verriers prenant le frais. |
e |
bâtimens ou magasins servant à serrer les marchandises
& à faire les pots. |
f |
petite mare d'eau servant à rafraîchir les fers, poches,
pinces, & autres ustensiles pour le service du four. |
g |
fers & poches sur le bord de la mare.
h |
verres emballés dans le panier prêt à partir. |
Exterior of a crown-glass factory
with glass windows. |
a |
| main building housing the furnace—note the smoke escaping
through holes in the roof. |
b |
covered entrances to the main hall. |
c |
leafed arbor under which the glassmakers rest &
take fresh air. |
d |
glass workers getting some fresh air.
e |
building for storing and slow-drying pots. |
f |
pond for water supply to cool tools. |
g |
metal tools cooling at the pond's edge. |
h |
finished glass, packed in baskets and ready to ship. |
Wood-burning glass works are always located in or next to their fuel
supply—a woods—and close to a water source. This type, a
verrerie à pivette, burns either ordinary seasoned wood
or oven-dried sticks (pivettes).
To make pivettes, green sticks about 18" long are stored in the warmest
part of the hall—the rafters above the furnace—until baked dry.
When done, they are throw down into a large storage area, accessible from
ground level.