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·i ·23 ·48 ·73 ·98
·iii ·24 ·49 §74 ·99
·iv ·25 ·50 ·75 ·100
§1 ·26 ·51 §76 ·101
·2 ·27 §52 ·77 ·102
·3 ·28 ·53 §78 ·103
·4 ·29 ·54 ·79 ·104
·5 ·30 ·55 §80 §105
·6 ·31 ·56 ·81 ·106
·7 ·32 ·57 ·82 ·107
§8 §33 ·58 ·83 ·108
·9 ·34 ·59 ·84 ·109
·10 ·35 ·60 ·85 §110
·11 §36 ·61 ·86 §111
·12 ·37 ·62 ·87 §112
·13 ·38 ·63 ·88 ·113
·14 ·39 ·64 ·89 §114
·15 ·40 ·65 ·90 §115
·16 ·41 ·66 ·91 ·116
·17 ·42 ·67 ·92 §117
·18 §43 ·68 §93 ·119
·19 ·44 ·69 ·94 ·121
·20 ·45 ·70 ·95 ·123
·21 ·46 ·71 §96
·22 ·47 ·72 ·97
realize a fair remunerating profit and steady sale. Besseman has lately introduced a new method of casting plate-glass, which, should it equal the inventor's expectation, will reduce the cost, supersede the old plan, and eventually, of course, increase the consumption.


    We gather from the ancient writers on glass-making, that the workers in the article had, at a very early period, arrived at so great a degree of proficiency and skill as to more than rival, even before the period of the Christian era, anything within the range of more modern art. The numerous specimens of their workmanship, still preserved in the public institutions of Europe, and in the cabinets of the curious, prove that the art of combining, coloring, gliding, and engraving glass was perfected by the ancients. Indeed, in fancy coloring, mosaic, and mock gems or precious stones, the art of the ancients has never been excelled. Among the numerous specimens it is remarkable that all vessels are round; none of ancient date are yet found of any other form. And no specimen of crystal glass of ancient date has yet to be found."
    Among the numerous antiques yet preserved,