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21,605 · Grosz & Jackson · "Metallic Frame for Vault-Lights." · Page 1
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Peter H. Jackson
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Specification of Letters Patent No. 21,605, dated September 28, 1858.
To all whom it may concern:
    Be it known that we, MICHAEL GROSZ and PETER H. JACKSON, of the city and State of New York, have invented and made certain new and useful Improvements in Lights for Vaults, Platforms, &c.; and we do hereby declare that the following is a full, clear, and exact description of the construction and operation of the same, reference being had to the annexed drawing, making part of this specification, wherein--
    Figure 1, is a plan of our said vault light. Fig. 2 is a vertical section of the same and Fig. 3, is a cross section.
    Similar marks of reference indicate the same parts.
    Gratings have heretofore been made and extensively used, composed of flat bars set edgewise together, and attached to each other by bars at the ends, and tie rods in the centers and other convenient points. These gratings have been placed over vaults, areas, &c., and formed into steps where desired. These gratings are unpleasant to walk on, they admit rain and dirt, and are objectionable in front of shop windows, in side walks and other places, over which pedestrians pass.
    The nature of our invention consists in a peculiar metallic frame, of a U shape, to set over the aforesaid bars of the grating, and receive the strips or plates of glass, which at the same time that they exclude dust, rain, &c., form a good surface for walking over.
    In the drawing a, a, are the bars of wrought iron, formed and used in the ordinary manner (at the part A,) but we prefer that the distance between these bars be twice the usual width as shown, or the alternate bars removed. Over these bars a, a, we place inverted U formed frames b, b, connected together at suitable points by the cross pieces c, c, formed either with, or separately from, the bars b, b. These frames have lips 1, 1 receiving the lower surface, and sustaining the glasses d, d.
    2, 2, are grooves or corrugations in the upper part of the bars c, c, to prevent persons slipping.
    It will be thus seen that while we avail ourselves of gratings already in use as a support for the glasses, or make sure of wrought iron bars for that purpose, we obtain a neat, strong, durable and efficient cover, or lights, over areas and vaults, and in platforms, decks and other places.
    What we claim as our invention and desire to secure by Letters Patent is--
    The Upside-Down U shaped metallic bars receiving the glasses, in combination with the wrought iron bars of a grating, over which the said Upside-Down U shaped bars set and are sustained substantially and for the purposes specified.
    In witness whereof we have hereunto set our signatures this sixteenth day of July 1858.