- Abbe, Professor, of Jena (optician) [2]
- Aberthaw Construction Co. (vault lights)
- Actiengesellschaft für Glasindustrie (glass bricks)
- Actiengesellschaft Zombkowiczer Glasfabriken (glass bricks)
- Adams, Doctor, of Richmond, Virginia (glass-works)
- Adamson, Daniel, tug-tender (deck prisms)
- Addoms, Wm. H. & Co., Inc (vault lights)
- Aero(dynamic) suspension insulator
- Agate glass formula
- Aggry beads [2]
- Aigris (jasper-like stone)
- Aktien-Gesellschaft für Glasindustrie (prism glass)
- Alabaster glass formula
- Alberfraer Palace
- Aleppo [2]
- Alexander the Great [2]
- Alexandria [2] [3]
- Alkali (glassmaking)
- Allegheny river (Pittsburgh)
- Allis-Chalmers Ltd, Canadian
- Allowaystown
- Alpha Glass and Metal Co.
- Althause & Co. (vault lights)
- Althause Iron Works (vault lights)
- Aluminosilicate (steam gage glass)
- Amber insulator gallery
- Amelong, Mr. (director, glass-works, Fredericktown)
- Amenhotep IV
- American 3 Way-Luxfer Prism Co
- American 3 Way-Luxfer Prism Company
- American 3-Way Prism Company
- American Bar-Lock Co (vault lights)
- American battery insulators (battery rests)
- American Glass
- American Luxfer Prism Company, see Luxfer Prism Company
- American Mason Safety Tread Co. (vault lights)
- American Plate Glass Co.
- American pressed glass
- American Prismatic Light Co
- American Sidewalk Light Co.
- American Skylights (American 3 Way-Luxfer Prism Co) [2]
- American Structural Products Co
- American Telephone and Telegraph Co. (AT&T)
- American Window Glass Co.
- Amiens Cathedral (Luxfer Great Building Series No. 4)
- Amityville, New York (vault lights gallery)
- Amsterdam, The Netherlands (vault lights gallery)
- Anchor Glass Co. (vault lights)
- Anglo-Saxons
- Anguinum ovum
- Angus and Greener, see Greener & Co (vault lights)
- Annealing [2]
- Anthracite
- Antimonic acid
- Appert Frères (perforated glass blocks)
- Aqua (Blue/Aqua/Green) insulator gallery
- Arbela, battle of
- Archimedes (burning lens of) [2]
- Architects Samples Corporation, The
- Architect's Standard Catalogue, 1936-38, Section 31
- Architectural Glass, Inc
- Architectural Iron and Steel (Wm H. Birkmire)
- Architectural Iron Company
- Aristophanes
- Armourlight toughened glass insulators (Pilkington)
Armourlight Toughened Glass Insulators (Pilkington Bros Ltd)
- Armstrong insulator gallery
- Arnott's Chimney Valves
- Art and Ornamental Glass (James H. Rice Co)
- Art Glass Metals (Chicago Metallic Sash Co)
- Asheville, North Carolina (vault lights gallery)
- Assyria, King of
- Astoria-Blocs (Gaston Blanpain-Massonet) [2]
- Astoria, Oregon (vault light gallery)
- Athens (glassmaking, Eleusinian Mysteries)
- Augustus, Emperor (Roman glass)
- Austro-Hungarian Luxfer Prism Syndicate, Limited
- Automatic insulator machine (Whitall-Tatum Co)
- Aventurine [2]
- Babel
- Babits, Mihály (Falconnier bricks)
- Babson Brothers (Surge)
- Babylon
- Bacon, Roger
- Badger's Illustrations of Iron Architecture Made by The Architectural Iron Works of the City of New York
- Baird's hand-made silver glass
- Baker Manufacturing Company
- Baker Sidewalk Light Company
- Bakewell, Mr. Thomas
- Bakewell & Pears
- Baltimore Glass Manufacturing (B.G.M. Co.) insulators
- Banner's Self-Fastening Coal Plates and Frames
- Barberini Vase (aka Portland Vase)
- Bar-Lock Co, see American Bar-Lock Co (vault lights)
- Barnum Wire & Iron Works (vault lights)
- Baron Stiegel
- Baron Von Lowhen
- Bartlett, Haywood & Co. (vault lights)
- Bartlett, Robbins & Co. (vault lights)
- Basement Lighting Engineers
- Basquin, Olin H.
- Battery Insulators
- Battledore (glassmaker's tool)
- Bausch, John J. (optical glass)
- Bayley Structural Iron Company
- B&B Foundry and Ironworks (coal covers)
- Beautiful Homes (Owens-Illinois Glass Co)
- Beeching's Water-Tight Illuminating Tile
- Beechwood
- Bella Vista (Falconnier bricks)
- Bellford, Auguste Edouard Loradoux (BP Nº1840, pavement lights, dated 1853)
- Bells (glass)
- Belus, river
- Benedict of Wearmouth
- Benfredj, Félix (Algeria, vault lights)
- Beranger, Castel (Falconnier bricks)
- Bergeret, Villa (square Falconnier briques)
- Berger Manufacturing Company
- Berkshire County, Mass.
- Berzelias
- Besseman
- Bessemer process (steel-making)
- Béton Armé, Le (Système Hennebique)
- B.G.M. (Baltimore Glass Manufacturing) insulators
- Bibliography
- Bicknell's Sash-Cord Guide
- Binoculars
- Birkmire, Wm H. (Architectural Iron and Steel)
- Bituminous coal
- Black glass formula [2]
- Blancourt
- Blanpain-Massonet
- Blanpain-Massonet Astoria-Blocs
- Blenko Glass Company, Inc
- Blown-off (glassmaking)
- Blown-over (glassmaking)
- Blue (Blue/Aqua/Green) insulator gallery
- Blue glass formulas
- Blue spar
- Bohemia
- Bohemian glass [2] [3] [4]
- Bohemian Red glass formula
- Boileau-Mercier (prism glass)
- Boiled beads
- Bone ash
- Bontemps, M. (French glass-maker)
- Booke of Sundry Draughtes (Walter Gedde)
- Borax
- Borough Engineering Works Ltd (vault lights)
- Boston and Sandwich Glass Company
- Boston crown window glass
- Boston Window-Glass
- Bottles
- Bougard, Messieurs de
- Brace (Surge, fence corner)
- Bracken fern
- Brandenburg glass-works
- Braun's Patented Vault Light Construction
- Breda, The Netherlands (vault lights gallery)
- Brenner's heat-resisting glass patent (No. 1,623,301)
- Bridge Foundry (pavement lights)
- Brimmers
- Bristol
- British battery insulators (battery rests)
- British Glass (Pilkington Bros Ltd)
- British Luxfer Prism Syndicate, Ltd. (becomes Luxfer Ltd.)
- British Prismatic Light Ltd
- Brooklyn Vault Light Company (vault lights, roof lights)
- Brooks, Henry and Company (Luxfer agent)
- Brooks, T. H. & Co. (vault lights)
- Brooks Thomas & Co Ltd, Dublin (vault lights)
- Brossard, Anthony de
- Brown Brothers Mfg. Co. (vault lights, deck lights)
- Brown & Ketcham Iron Works
- Brown's Insulator
- Brudern Ház (vault lights gallery)
- Bruitan, Mr. (Porcelain and Glass Manufacturing Company)
- Bruner (P. M.) Granitoid Co. (vault lights)
- Bryant Street substation (S.F. trolly, current picture)
- Buckingham, Duke of
- Budapest, Hungary (vault lights gallery)
- Bull's-eye deck prism
- Bunnell (J. H. Bunnell & Co)
- Bunsen (optician)
- Burlingame (current insulator scenes)
- Burlington, N.J.
- Burnet Jackson Co (Excelsior Iron Works)
- Burnet, Jackson & Co. (vault lights)
- Bursting-glasses
- Burt & Potts (coal covers)
- Bushing gallery
- Buttons (Leo Popper & Sons)
- Byllesby suspension insulator
- Byrd, Commander (South Pole, Pyrex)
- Byzantine glass
- W. Brass, Jr. (vault lights)
- Cabbage-stalk glasses
- Cadillac Glass Company (prism glass)
- Caesarea
- Cage (coal mining)
- Caines, Mr. Thomas
- Calcedonio
- Calcutta
- Calder, James C. (vault lights)
- California Art Glass, Bending and Cutting Works
- California Glass Insulator Company
- California Plate and Window Glass Co.
- Cambridge Glass Co.
- Camden's Britannia
- Cameo glass
- Cameo incrustation
- Camera lenses
- Canadian Allis-Chalmers, Ltd
- Canary yellow glass formula
- Cane and tube drawing
- Cannel coal
- Canton Glass Company (vault lights)
- Capacitor bushing gallery
- Cape Cod Glass Company
- Capitol, Washington, D.C. (Luxfer Great Building Series No. 12)
- Capri
- Caqueray, Messieurs de (noble glassmaker)
- Carbonate of copper
- Carborundum, see American Mason Safety Tread Co. (vault lights)
- Carl, Doctor (optical glass)
- Carmausienne (Garchey glass stone)
- Carpenter, Davis & Co., Inc.
- Carr & Andrews Corporation (vault lights)
- Carrick Foundry (Sloan & Davidson, Ltd; pavement lights)
- Carrier System (CS)
- Case, L. R. (vault lights)
- Castel Béranger (Falconnier bricks)
- Cast-Iron Architecture (SoHo walking tour)
- Cast Iron Pavement Light Co Ltd, Chichester UK (vault lights)
- Castor-hole chair
- Cathedral of Chartres (stained glass)
- Cathedral of St. John the Divine
- Caylus, Count
- CD 154 insulator gallery
- Centre Hospitalier de Toulin (la coupole en béton translucide)
- Ceramo-crystal
- Ceramo-Crystal Manufacturing Company
- C.G.I. Co.
- Chair (glassmaker's)
- Chalcedony
- Chaldees, Orchoe of the
- Champion Iron Company (vault lights)
- Champion Iron Fence Co (Illustrated Supplement Catalogue)
- Chance, Messrs.
- Chanteloup, Ernest, Montréal (vault lights)
- Chappell, H. & Co. (coal cover)
- Charles II
- Chartres, Cathedral (stained glass)
- Chase Brothers & Co. (coal covers)
- Chatteris
- Chelmsford Foundry Co. (vault lights)
- Chemnitz, Sachsen (Falconnier briques)
- Chester, England (vault light gallery)
- Chest knife (glassmaking)
- Chevreul, M.
- Chicago, Illinois (vault lights gallery)
- Chicago Insulating Co. (Fiske & Mott, CDs 109 & 135)
- Chicago Metallic Sash Co (Art Glass Metals)
- Chicago Sidewalk Light Co.
- Chicasaw Iron Works (vault lights)
- Choke-damp (coal mining)
- Christopher & Simpson Architectural Iron & Foundry Co. (vault lights)
- Christy, John Fell (illuminated coal plate)
- Cincinnati
- Cinderella
- Cinerary urn (Portland Vase)
- Circle Redmont, Inc
- Clarilux (Saint-Gobain glass block)
- Clark, Alvan and Sons (opticians)
- Clark, Raffen & Co. (vault lights)
- Clay compositions
- Cleveland Window Glass Company
- Cleveland Window Glass & Door Company, see Cleveland Window Glass Company
- Clinton Glass Co.
- Clopp, George B. (Clopp's Patent Vault Light)
- Coal
- Coalhole covers (illuminated)
- Cobalt Splotch (Kerr CD 155)
- Cochius, Petrus Marinus (Glasfabriek Leerdam director; Graniver)
- Cochrane Bells
- Cochrane suspension insulator ("Cochrane Bells")
- Coffin, glass [2]
- Colbert
- Colburn, Irving W. (sheet glass machines)
- Colburn Machine Glass Company
- Cole, Richard (BP Nº372, prism glass, dated 1704)
- Colonial American glass
- Colored glass
- Colored glass formulas
- Colored insulator gallery
- Colosseum (Luxfer Great Building Series No. 7)
- Columbia Ornamental Iron Co. (vault lights)
- Combination Safety Insulator (CD 139)
- Comblanchien stone
- Compagnie de la Pierre de Verre Garchey (glass stone)
- Concrete Illuminating Tile Co.
- Concrete Specialties Manufacturing Company
- Condenser (glass, of water)
- Condie-Neale Glass Co.
- Constantinople
- Consular and Trade Reports (1904, Glass Paving and Building Bricks)
- Continuous Glass Prism Co.
- Cooper (Essex Street Works)
- Co-operative Flint Glass Co., Limited (vault lights)
- Copper
- Copperlite
- Cornell
- Corner insulator (Surge, porcelain)
- Corning Glass Works
- Cornu "cat's-eye" photometer
- Corona, Long Island
- Coronation of the Virgin (stained glass window)
- Count Caylus
- Count of Eu
- Craigie's Point
- Crassus, purple of
- Cress & Co., Inc, see Timms, Cress & Co.
- Creswell Iron Works (vault lights)
- Crete-o-lux (Haywards pavement lights)
- Cretestone Ltd (vault lights)
- Crew, Henry (Luxfer Prism Co.)
- Crisis (glassmaking)
- Cristallo
- Cristallux (John Healey pavement light)
- Cristol-Glass (J. A. King, vault lights)
- Croft & Co. (Hyatt lights)
- Cromer Bros. Ltd, Dublin (vault lights)
- Crossarms (magic lantern glass slide of 50 on a pole)
- Crown Crystal Glass Co.
- Crown Crystal Glassware
- Crown glass
- Crown Insulator (CD 268)
- Crown Iron Works (vault lights)
- Crystal glass formula
- Crystalline Company (glass bricks)
- Crystallo-Ceramic
- Crystallo engraving
- Cuddesden vases
- Cullet (broken glass as raw material)
- Cupertino (current glass insulator scenes)
- Curiosities of Glass Making (Apsley Pellatt, 1849)
- Cutting glass
- Cyanotypes
- Cylindrical lamp-glass
- Cypriote glass
- Cyprus
- Daguet, Mr., of Soletere, France
- Dale Improved Concrete Light (vault light)
- Dale Tile Co. (vault lights)
- Dallages Translucides (Mombel-Bossart & Fils vault lights)
- Dalles (slab glass)
- Dalles et Paves "Astoria-Blocs" (Blanpain-Massonet)
- Damascus [2] [3]
- Damps (coal mining)
- Daniel Adamson, tug-tender (deck prisms)
- Darling, Thomas
- Dauchy & Co.
- Davey & Co.
- Davis Carpenter & Co., Inc.
- Davis, Geo. M. (vault lights)
- Davy
- Daylight By Means of the Modern 3-Way Sidewalk Lights
- Daylight For Industry (American Structural Products Co)
- Daylight Glass Mfg Co.
- Daylighting (American 3-Way Luxfer Prism Co)
- Daylighting, Luxfer
- Daylight in Industrial Buildings (American Structural Products Co)
- Daylight in Your Home (American Structural Products Co)
- Daylight Prism Company
- Daylight Prisms (Daylight Prism Co)
- Deck Lights
- Deck Prisms [2]
- Delano patent (furnace)
- De Mateo (vault lights)
- Demi-Line (Garchey glass stone)
- Derbyshire
- Deubener Glaswerke (Marke Faust glass bricks)
- Deutsche Luxfer Prismen Gesellschaft
- Deutsches Luxfer Prismen Syndikat
- Devils Lake, North Dakota (vault lights gallery)
- Devitrification
- Diamond
- Diderot Encyclopedia
- Dieudonné Petit (vault lights)
- Diffulume (Borough Engineering pavement light)
- Dimond, Thos. (vault lights)
- Dindeleux, Ets P. (vault lights)
- Dioptrical lenses (Wilson's patent vault light)
- Disconnect, storm (on beehive insulator)
- Dispersive power
- Dollond, John (optician)
- Dorflinger, Christopher
- Drama of Glass, The (Kate Field)
- Draughtes, Booke of Sundry (Walter Gedde)
- Drew's, Harris & Sheldon, Ltd. (South Africa, vault lights)
- Driver (Surge straight pin)
- Drop pinching
- Druid Holy Snakes
- Druids [2]
- Dublin, Ireland (vault light gallery)
- Ductility (of glass)
- Duke of Buckingham
- Duke of Burgundy
- Duke of Northumberland
- Dumbarton Works (Scotland)
- Dunedin, New Zealand (vault lights gallery)
- Duquesne, Fort
- Durkee (Chas. D.) & Co., Complete Catalogue of Hardware for Wet Places [ca 1915]
- Early insulators gallery
- Earthquakeproofing
- Echbaum
- Edison phonograph
- Edward I
- Egyptian glass
- Elasticity (of glass)
- Electric fence (Babson Brothers Surge)
- Electric Storage Battery Company
- Electro-glazing
- Eleusinian Mysteries (Portland Vase)
- Elevation posts (Neon sign)
- Elizabeth, Queen
- Ely, Isle of
- Emmet, Fisher & Flowers
- Emperor
- Empire Vault Light Co.
- Enameled glass of the Saracens
- English Glass [2]
- English Shop-Fronts, Old and New
- Engraved Glass (Venetian)
- Engraving glass
- Entering insulator (Pyrex)
- Enterprise Iron Works & Foundry, see Scherpe & Koken Iron Works
- Enterprise Prism Co. [2]
- Erech
- Ernst, Chas. F. (vault lights)
- Eroshenko House restoration (Falconnier bricks)
- Essex Street Works
- E. T. Barnum Wire & Iron Works (vault lights)
- Etna, California (vault lights gallery)
- Eu, Count of
- Evelyn
- Ewen patent ring
- Excelsior Iron Works (Burnet Jackson Co)
- Exchange Insulator (CD 115)
- Excise upon Glass
- Experimental insulators (Hemingray "E.1", "E.2", "E.3", and "E_14B")
- EZESET Sidewalk Lights (Bayley Structural Iron Co)
- Factory Ribbed glass
- Facts of Interest to Architects about Mason Safety Tread
- Falcon Glass House (interior view)
- Falconnier Glass Works (Horw, Canton of Lucerne)
- Falconnier's Blown Glass Bricks (Glasbaustein)
- Fardon (San Francisco Album)
- Faust™ glass bricks
- Favrile glass
- Feet and legs (of glass)
- Fence
- Fencer, Babson Bros Surge, price guide
- Ferro-glass (J. A. King, vault lights)
- Ferro-lite (John Healey pavement light)
- Ferrolite (pavement lights)
- Ferry Building (S.F., sidewalk lights)
- Fidenza S.A. Vetraria SpA (Iperfan Vetrocemento)
- Field glasses
- Field, Kate (The Drama of Glass)
- Filigree glass [2]
- Fire-damp (coal mining)
- Fire Resisting Glazing
- Fisher & Gillerland
- Fiske & Mott High Resistance Insulator (CDs 109 & 135)
- Fitzgerald & Co, Dublin (vault lights)
- Fitzgerald, Frederick ("Improved Vault-Cover", patent No. 58,240)
- Flashed glass
- Flashing (glass-blowing) [2]
- Flat Glass
- Flat Glass (Libbey-Owens)
- Fletcher & Crowell Co. (vault lights)
- Flintex (glass) [2]
- Flint glass
- Floor bushing gallery
- Floor Lights
- Floyd Bennett (Byrd's South Pole airplane, Pyrex)
- Fluor spar
- Fontana
- Forest glass
- Forilux
- Fort Duquesne
- Foster-Forbes (Millville; successor to W/T, Armstrong, Kerr)
- Foster, Stephen C. (Pittsburgh composer)
- Fouillot, Mercier, see Boileau-Mercier (prism glass)
- Foval (Fry OVenglass Art Line, trademark)
- Frank Lloyd Wright
- Frank, M. & Co. (Falconnier glass bricks)
- Fraunhofer (optician)
- Fredericktown (Maryland)
- French and Belgian Luxfer-Prism Syndicate, Limited
- French glass
- French (J. C.) & Sons (vault lights)
- French lamp-shade (glassmaking)
- Fresnel lenses
- Friars' Hall (Glass-Works)
- Frosted glass (Venetian)
- Fryer, William J., Jr. (vault lights)
- Fry Glass Co
- Fucine Lake
- Fuel (for glassmaking)
- Furnaces [2]
- Fusing glass
- Gage Glass (prismatic "Reflex" type)
- Galileo Galilei [2]
- Gallatin, Albert
- Gallatin and Company
- Gallery
- Gallery of the Kings (and Rose Window), Cathedral of Rheims, France (13th century)
- Gannal, M.
- Garchey devitrified glass stone
- Garno, Monte del
- Gaston Blanpain-Massonet, see Blanpain-Massonet
- Gate insulator (Surge, glass)
- Gate latch
- Gathering (glass from furnace pot)
- Gebrüder Streit (glass bricks)
- Gedde, Walter (A Booke of Sundry Draughtes)
- General Luxfer Prism Company, Limited
- Genius of Electricity (statue by Antonio Rosetti)
- Genthe, Arnold (pics of vault lights in San Francisco's old Chinatown)
- German glass
- German Sheet Glass formula
- Gilbert Glass Blowing [2]
- Gillerland, John L. [2]
- Glägersdorf
- Glain Neidyr [2]
- Glasbaustein (Falconnier's Blown Glass Bricks)
- Glas-crete
- Glas-crete Reinforced Concrete and Glass Constructions
- Glaseisenbeton
- Glaseisenbetonkonstruktion (System Keppler)
- Glasgow, Scotland (vault light gallery)
- Glashüttenwerke Adlerhütten (glass bricks)
- Glass
- Glass and Bricks (Helen N. Cooper, Unit Study Books Nº304)
- Glass Block Residential Catalog (Owens-Illinois)
- Glass Blowing (Gilbert)
- Glass bricks (for paving and building, 1904)
- Glass Container Manufacturers Institute, Inc
- Glass insulators
- Glassmaking
- Glatz
- Gleason (Rodefer-Glass Company)
- Gloag, John (The Place of Glass in Building)
- Globe Iron & Foundry Co. (vault lights)
- Glory Hole
- Gloucester Cathedral (stained glass, east window)
- Goblantz
- Goddess Hathor
- Gold (colorant) [2]
- Golding (Garchey glass stone)
- Goldstone (glass) [2]
- Gordon, G. W, Esq.
- Gordon Van Tine Co. (Jupiter Prism Tiles?)
- Governor and Company of the British Cast Plate-Glass Manufactory
- Grangemead Lodge ("the F. K. Babson wild flower and game preserve")
- Grauer, Albert & Company (vault lights)
- Green (Blue/Aqua/Green) insulator gallery
- Greener & Co (vault lights)
- Green glass formulas
- Greiz, Thuringia (Falconnier briques)
- Grossing iron
- Grützner & Winter (Marke Faust glass bricks)
- Guimard, Hector (architect; Falconnier bricks)
- Gunby, John
- Hadrian (Emperor) [2]
- Halford, Wm (pavement lights, illuminated coal plates)
- Hall, Chester More (optician)
- Ham & Co. (vault lights)
- Hamilton & Co (vault lights)
- Hamilton, Frederick and Frederick Alma (BP Nº3859, prism glass, dated 1878)
- Hamilton, Sir William
- Hammond Lane Foundry Co Ltd (vault lights)
- Hammond Lane Foundry Co. Ltd, Dublin (vault lights)
- Handelsvereeniging, N. V. (prismatic glass)
- Handled jug (glassmaking)
- Hanika Iron Fence Co. (vault lights)
- Hard Manufacturing Company (glass feet)
- Hargreaves Foundry (pavement lights)
- Haroun-al-Rashid
- Harrods, Ltd (Lenscrete vault lights)
- Hatasu, Queen
- Hathor, Goddess
- Hayward Brothers
- Hayward & Son, Ltd.
- H. C. Fry Glass Co
- Healey, John (pavement lights)
- Hedwig Glasses
- Heliogabalus, Emperor
- Helvelius (Polemoscope)
- Hemingray-19 RDP insulator gallery
- Henri II
- Henri IV
- Henry Greener [Flint Glass Works?], see Greener & Co (vault lights)
- Henry III
- Herculaneum [2] [3]
- Herschel, Sir William (astronomer, optician)
- Het Bouwbedrijf (photos of vault lights being made, 1932)
- Hetherington & Berner (vault lights)
- Heughes & Co. (vault lights)
- Hewes, Robert [2]
- High Grade Prism and Ornamental Prismatic Glass (Pressed Prism Plate Glass Co)
- Highland Glass Co.
- Highpoint Flats (Lenscrete glass walls)
- Hine, Lewis
- Hires & Co. (prism glass)
- Hires Turner Glass Co. (prism glass)
- History of Glass Containers, The (Owens-Illinois)
- Hobbs Manufacturing Company, Ltd
- Holinshed
- Holmes Tree Insulator
- Holophane glass (prism glass) [2]
- Holy Grail
- Hone, William
- Hope Chapel
- Horace
- Horrocks Iron Works (vault lights)
- House Wiring Made Easy (Sears, Roebuck & Co)
- Houston, Texas (vault lights gallery)
- Howard, Sons and Parsons (coal covers)
- Howell (vault lights)
- Howell [2] [3]
- How Glass Bottles are Made (Whitall Tatum Co) [2]
- HR Co. (prism tile)
- Hubbard, R. Schuyler, M.D. (Solar Prism Co.)
- Huinck & Imhofe (glass bricks)
- Humboldt Iron Works (vault lights)
- Hunnewell
- Huygens (telescope)
- Hyatt patent ring
- Hyatt's Patent / Hyatt Lights / Hyatt's patent covers
- Hydrofluoric acid
- Jackson
- Jacob Mark (vault lights)
- Jacobs & Sons (vault lights)
- James H. Rice Co., see Rice, James H. Co. (prism glass)
- Jamestown
- Jarves, Deming (Reminiscences of Glass-Making)
- Jasper
- Jasper Ware
- Jeannette Glass Company
- Jensen, Zacharias (Dutch optician)
- Jet (hard kind of coal) [2]
- Jewish Glass
- Jhilmil (and New Jhilmil)
- Joachim, G. and Co. (vault lights)
- Job (time of)
- Johnny Ball (strain insulator)
- John of Kirchiem (glass painter, Rheims)
- Johnson Brothers (vault lights)
- Johnson, G. H. ("Improvement in Vault-Lights", patent No. 57,515)
- Joseph Chater and Sons, Ltd.
- Judge (H. Chas.) Mfg Co.
- Jupiter Prism Tiles
- Jurkovic, Dušan (architect; Falconnier briques)
- Justinian
- Ju stone
- Lace glass
- Lachrymatories
- Lakes of Nitre
- Lambeth
- Lamp-glass (cylindrical)
- Lanergan, Henry
- Lapis lazuli [2]
- La Rochère (pavement lights)
- Latticinio
- Lattimo
- Lattisuol
- Laughlin (The Thomas Laughlin Co., Catalogue No. 80 [1920], deck lights)
- Lawrence (C. B. Timpson & Lawrence, Catalogue of Ship Builders' Hardware [1855], deck lights)
- Lawrence's Adventures Among the Ice-Cutters, Glass-Makers, Coal-Miners, Iron-Men, and Ship-Builders
- Laxton's (& Lockwood's) Price Book (Prism Glass Index)
- Layard
- Lazalite (glass) [2] [3] [4]
- Lazulite
- Lazurite
- Lead
- Leaded Glass (A Booke of Sundry Draughtes)
- Lear (lehr, annealing oven)
- Leathley and Chater (later Leathley, Chater and Hayward).
- Leerdam, Glasfabriek (Vera-Lux prismatic glass blocks, tiles, etc)
- Leerdam, Glasfabriek (glassmaking gallery)
- Leggatt and Hayward
- Legs and feet (of glass)
- Lehmann
- Lehmann, Mary
- Lehotzky J., Bp. (glass floor tiles)
- Lehr (annealing oven)
- Leighton, Mr. (and his three sons)
- Lely, A. J. & Son (vault lights)
- Lenscrete Ltd (acquired by Luxfer Pavement Lights Ltd)
- Lens, Story of the (Mentor, 1919)
- Libarius
- Libbey-Owens Sheet Glass Company
- Libby Glass Company
- Library
- Liebig chromos
- Lignite
- Linnet holes (glass furnace)
- Lint
- Lippershey, Johannes (Dutch optician)
- Litharge (lead)
- Loftus, Mr. Kennet
- Lolesworth (Roman glass)
- Longbottoms (Bridge Foundry; pavement lights)
- Lord of St. Brice
- Lord of St. Martin
- Louis XIV
- Low countries glass
- Lowhen, Baron Von
- Lucical Engineering, Introduction to
- Luciflex Prism Lighting Company (Philadelphia)
- Luck of Eden Hall [2]
- Luminous Prism Co.
- Luminous Prism Company
- LUXBLOCK (Luxcrete Ltd, London, vault lights)
- LUXCRETE (Luxcrete Ltd, London, vault lights)
- Luxfer Art Glass (British Luxfer Prism Syndicate Ltd)
- Luxfer Daylighting
- Luxfer Fire Resisting Glazing
- Luxfer Great Building Series
- Luxfer Prism Company
- Luxfer Prism Company Canada
- Luxfer Prismen-Fabrik
- Luxfer Prisms Give Daylight
- Luxfer Studios, Ltd
- Lyen, Robert of Exeter (stained glass)
- Lyon, James B. & Co., of Pittsburg
- Geo. K. Maltby & Co.
- MacBeth Gage Glasses (prismatic "Reflex" type)
- MacHarg patent ring
- Mackenzie & Moncur Ltd (pavement lights)
- Macquer, M.
- Madison Avenue Foundry Co. (vault lights)
- Mahony Manufacturing Co. (vault lights)
- Mairie, Messieurs de la
- Malleable glass
- Maltby Prism Co.
- Maltby Reflector & Prism Co.
- Mammaea
- Manganese [2]
- Manhattan
- Manhattan Prism Glass Co.
- Manhattan Vault Light Co.
- Manhole covers (illuminated)
- Mannheim
- Mansell, Sir Robert
- Manuale del guardiafili (Cav. Alessandro Romani)
- Manufacturer's Glass Co. (prism tiles)
- Maralao
- Marcellus (fleet of)
- Marcus Prism Company
- Mark Concrete Light
- Marke Faust glass bricks
- Mark, Jacob (vault lights)
- Márkus, Lajos (glass floor tiles)
- Marshall & Hatch (illuminated coal plates)
- Marver [2]
- Mason Safety Tread
- Mason Safety Tread Catalog 1898
- Mason Safety Tread Catalog 1915
- Master Walter (stained glass)
- Maxima (Saint-Gobain vault light)
- Maximum Light Glass [2]
- Maximum Light Window Glass Ltd (prism tiles)
- Maze glass [2] [3] [4]
- McCormick, Michael J. ("Improvement in Mode of Ventilating and Illuminating Risers", patent No. 38,788)
- McGuigan, John & Co. vault lights
- Mechano™ fire-proof glazing
- Medrecan
- Megquier & Jones Co. (vault lights)
- Melon deck prism
- Melting pots
- Mentor
- Merrit
- Merritt & Co. (vault lights)
- Mesker Brothers Iron Co. (vault lights)
- Mesopotamia
- Mettlacher plates
- Microscope lenses
- Milker (Surge)
- Millefiori [2] [3] [4]
- Millville insulator gallery
- Milpitas (current glass insulator scenes)
- Minwax Vault Light Cement
- Miotte, Antonio
- Mississippi Glass Co.
- Mississippi Wire Glass Co.
- Mold misalignment gallery (insulators)
- Mombel-Bossart & Fils
- Monongahela river (Pittsburgh)
- Montague (current glass insulator scenes)
- Monte del Garno
- Montgomery Street (San Francisco Album)
- Morgan, Charles W., whaler (deck prisms)
- Morlite Company (vault lights)
- Morris River, N.J.
- Morris, Theo. W. & Co. (vault lights)
- Mosaic glass
- Mosaic work
- Moses and the Law (stained glass window)
- Mosque lamp
- Moulded Bottles
- Mountain View
- Muff glass
- Mullen Bros. Co
- Mullen Replaceable Vault Light Co
- Mumm caves (Falconnier briques)
- Munich (lenses)
- Murana (town near Venice)
- Murano [2]
- Murrhina Vase
- Musgrave family
- Music Glasses
- Muslin-Glass
- Mystic eyes
- Mystic Seaport (Deck Prisms on the Charles W. Morgan)
- Napier, James, of Glasgow, Scotland
- Naples yellow
- National Glass Works (Rodefer Bros.)
- National Vault Light Co.
- Natron
- Nazeing Glass Works Ltd (vault lights)
- Nelke, Louis (BP Nº6991, vault lights, dated 1886)
- Neon Insulators (Pyrex)
- Neptune's Daughter (Condie-Neale stained glass)
- Neri
- Nero [2]
- Nervi
- Neustein (vault lights)
- Neuvetaute ("Novelty", Popper trademark)
- Nevada (Saint-Gobain glass block)
- New Age Glass Ltd (vault lights)
- New Amsterdam (renamed New York in 1664)
- New England Glass Company
- New England Glass Works
- New Geneva, Pennsylvania
- New Jersey Foundry & Machine Co. (vault lights)
- New York City vault lights photographs
- New York, New York (vault lights gallery)
- New York Prism Company (vault lights)
- New York Vault Light Co.
- Nile blue
- Nimrod
- Nineveh
- Nitrum (origin of glass)
- Northwestern Foundry (vault lights)
- Northwood, John
- Notre Dame Cathedral (Luxfer Great Building Series No. 5)
- Novalux (John Healey pavement light)
- Novalux (Saint-Gobain vault light)
Now Thus—Now Thus (Pilkington Brothers Ltd)
- NWGlass-lab
- Oakland, California (prism tiles gallery)
- Obeco Glass Blocks Pty Ltd
- O'Brien Insulator (CD 119)
- Observatory model (Victoria, B.C.)
- Oddities gallery
- O'Hara and Craig
- O'Hara, Col. James
- OK Foundry (bulls-eye vault light panels)
- Omaha, Nebraska (prism tile gallery)
- Omnibus (iron cover used in glass lehr)
- O'Neill semi-automatic bottle blowing machine
- Opalescence
- Opalescent experimental insulator (Hemingray E-14B)
- Opalescent glass insulator comparison picture (Fry, Locke, Hemi)
- Opal glass formula
- Opaque twisted stems
- Open and shut mould
- Opera glass
- Operator headsets (magic lantern glass slide)
- Opercula (London Coal Plates)
- Ophir of Solomon
- Optical glass (manufacture of) [2]
- Optical systems
- Optic Flint Plate (glass)
- Orchoe of the Chaldees
- Oriflame
- Osage Chiefs
- Osborn's "Hard Mfg Co" glass furniture glide, patent No. 1,187,378
- Osirtasen (Egypt)
- Ovenglass (Fry Glass Company)
- Overmyer's threaded glass drawer knobs, patent No. 1,487,355
- Overtaker (glassmaking)
- Owens-Illinois Glass Co
- Owens semi-automatic bottle blowing machine
- Pacific Net & Twine Co, General Catalog No 5 (deck lights)
- Page, Mr., friend of Mr. Bakewell
- Painted Glass (type of Venetian glass)
- Palon & Royer (vault lights)
- Pantheon (Luxfer Great Building Series No. 1)
- Pargeter, Philip
- Paris
- Paris Annual of Scientific Discovery, 1863
- Párisi Udvar (vault lights gallery)
- Parthenon (Luxfer Great Building Series No. 6)
- Patent index
- Patent Pavement Light Company Ltd
- Patent Pillar, see Roman Pillars
- Patent Pillar, see Roman Pillars
- Patent Spring Bed
- Pavement Light Co (historic vault lights)
- Pavement Light Company (vault lights)
- Pavement lights (UK term for vault lights)
- Pavement Lights catalogue, 1929
- Pavement Lights catalogue, ca.1920
- Paxton & Vierling Iron Works (vault lights)
- Pearlash (carbonate of potash)
- Pearlized glass
- Pearson, R. H. & J. (ironmongers; coal covers)
- Peat
- Peck & Co. (vault light)
- Peel, Sir Robert [2]
- Peerless Prism Co. (vault lights)
- Peleus
- Peligot, Monsieur
- Pellatt, Apsley
- Pellatt, Edward (BP Nº3058, prism glass, dated 1807)
- Pelouze (chemist, devitrification)
- Pendulums (glass)
- Penn Station (vault lights, 1938)
- Penn Station (NYC) vault lights photographs
- Pennsylvania Wire Glass Co.
- Pennycuick, James G.
- Percellas
- Perfection Luminous Sidewalk and Vault Light Construction, Berger's
- Periscope
- Persia
- Petrie, Dr.
- Petronius Arbiter
- Philadelphia
- Philosophical Transactions (No. 476)
- Phoenician glass
- Phœnicians
- Phoenix, Arizona (prism glass gallery)
- Phoenix Sidewalk Light Co. (vault lights)
- Phoenix-Simpton Co. (vault lights)
- Phoenix Steel Construction Co. (vault lights)
- Phosphate of lime
- Phosphate of soda
- Photometer
- Pilgrim bottles
- Pilkington Brothers Ltd (vault lights, insulators)
- Pillar, patent glass
- Pin base (glass; from Manhattan Electrical Supply)
- Pittsburgh Plate Glass Company
- Pittsburg or Pittsburgh
- Pivette [2]
- Place of Glass in Building, The
- Plain Facts About Insulators (Pyrex)
- Plan Zuid (Amsterdam vault lights)
- Plate glass
- Pliny
- PLUDELUX (Hayward's pavement lights)
- Plumback (Essex Street Works)
- Plummer & Co. (vault lights)
- Pluto
- Plymouth, England (vault light gallery)
- Pocket Hand-Book of Electro-Glazed Luxfer Prisms [2]
- Polariscope [2]
- Polemoscope
- Pompeii [2] [3] [4] [5]
- Pontil (glassmaker's tool)
- Ponty, see Pontil (glassmaker's tool)
- Pope Pius II
- Popo bead
- Popper, Leo & Sons (vault lights)
- Porcelain and Glass Manufacturing Company
- Porcelite
- Porcelite "Bar-Lock" vault lights
- Portland, Duchess of
- Portland, Oregon (Vault lights gallery)
- Portland Vase [2] [3] [4]
- Postapalota (Hungarian Post building with glass floor tiles)
- Postcards
- Potash
- Potsdam
- Power Line Insulators (Pyrex)
- Prague
- Pressed glass [2] [3]
- Pressed Prism Plate Glass Co. (prism glass)
- Preston, Grant (BP Nº4222, deck glass, dated 1818)
- Preston's Patent Illuminator
- Pretoria, South Africa (vault lights gallery)
- Priddle, Arthur (vault lights)
- Prince Rupert Drops
- Prismalith (Saint-Gobain prism tile)
- Prismatic Glass Co.
- Prismatic Light Co.
- Prismatic Vault and Cellar Light Co.
- Prism Glass
- Prism Tiles
- Pritchard, T. (agent for Hayward Bros. & Eckstein)
- Proserpine
- Prunts
- Ptah
- Pucellas (glassmaker's tool)
- Pully beads
- Punty
- Purple insulator gallery
- Purple of Crassus
- Pyrex
- Radiating Light Co., see Semi-Prism Glass Co.
- Radio insulators¹ (Pyrex)
- Radio insulators² (Pyrex)
- Rambusch Studios
- Ramshorn
- Ransome & Smith Co. (vault lights)
- Ravenshead (Lancashire)
- Raydiant (Berger vault light trademark)
- Ray-Placeable™ System Vault, Floor, Roof, Train Shed and Sidewalk Lights
- Reaumer (chemist, devitrification)
- Red glass formulas
- Redington Glass Furnaces, Inc
- Red lead
- Redwood City (current insulator scenes)
- Reeded deck prism
- Reflex Co. (prism tile)
- Reform™ Roof Lights (Haywards)
- Refraction
- Refrax (patent prismatic rolled glass)
- Regal Cinema, Margate (Lenscrete glass roof)
- Regnault, M.
- Reminiscences of Glass-Making
- René, King of Provence
- Retort (glass-blowing)
- Rheims, Cathedral (Rose Window and Gallery of the Kings)
- Rhein-Westphalia Prism Company
- Rhodes
- Ribbed deck prism
- Rib-twisted
- Rice, James H. Co. (prism glass)
- RICE'S ARISTO prism tile
- Richards, J. Merrill (vault lights)
- Richards & Kelly Mfg Co. (vault lights)
- Richelieu, Cardinal
- Riehl & Dugro (vault lights)
- Rieseck, P. (vault lights)
- Robertson's "Battery Insulator" patent No. 105,252
- Robertson's Patent Battery Insulator
- Roberts, U. N. (Jupiter Prism Tiles?)
- Rochère, La (prism glass)
- Rockwell's Patent Vault Lights
- Rodefer Brothers (National Glass Works)
- Rodefer-Gleason Glass Company
- Roemer
- Romance of Glass, The (Owens-Illinois)
- Roman glass
- Romani, Alessandro (Manuale del guardiafili)
- Roman Pillars
- Rome
- Rose Window and Gallery of the Kings, Cathedral of Rheims, France (13th century)
- Rosse, Lord ("leviathan" reflector telescope, 1845)
- Ross patent ring
- Rouen [2]
- Royal Clarence Vase
- Ruby glass [2]
- Rudolph II, Emperor [2]
- Ruffled (glassmaking flaw)
- Runket
- Russell Wheel & Foundry Co. (vault lights)
- Sacramento, California (vault lights gallery)
- Safford, D. & Co., see Smith & Lovett (vault lights)
- Sagamo (Surge)
- Saint-Gobain (Sediver)
- Saint-Gobain (prism glass)
- St. Gobain, Chauny & Cirey Co. (vault lights)
- St. Pancras Iron Work Co. Ltd. (vault lights)
- St. Paul Foundry Co. (vault lights)
- St. Paul's Cathedral (Luxfer Great Building Series No. 3)
- Saint Petersburg (Falconnier bricks)
- St. Raphael porphyry
- St. Sophia (Constantinople)
- SAIVA (Societa Accom. Ital. Vetrocemento Armato) Luxfer
- Salamander
- Salem
- Sales list
- Salinas, California (vault lights gallery)
- Saltpetre
- Salutation glasses
- Salver
- Salviati, Dr. Antonio
- Samarkand [2]
- San Antonio, Texas (vault lights gallery)
- Sand (silex) [2] [3]
- Sanders, Emile (prism glass maker, Amsterdam, Vera-Lux)
- San Diego, California (vault lights gallery)
- Sandiva (surface scum on glass melt)
- Sandwich, Mass.
- Sandy Lake
- San Francisco (current insulator scenes)
- San Francisco Album (Montgomery Street)
- San Francisco, California (vault lights gallery)
- San Mateo (current glass insulator scenes)
- Santa Clara (current glass insulator scenes)
- Santa Maria del Fiore (Luxfer Great Building Series No. 10)
- Santa Sophia (Luxfer Great Building Series No. 8)
- Saracens
- Sardonix
- Sargeant Glass Co. (vault lights)
- Sargon
- Säshsische Glaswerke (Marke Faust glass bricks)
- Sauzay
- Savoy and Crutched Friars
- Saxton, J. C. (vault lights)
- S. B. Althause & Co. (vault lights)
- Scarabei
- Scaravæi
- Scherpe & Koken Iron Works [2]
- Schiffsprismen (deck lights)
- Schilling, John (Surge)
- Schott, Doctor (optical glass)
- Schreiber & Sons Co. (vault lights)
- Schulz & Voelker (vault lights)
- Schwanhard
- Schwickart, Philip (vault lights)
- Scolloping
- Scorial bricks
- Scribbling Diary for 1906 (Hayward Brothers & Eckstein, Ltd)
- Seagliola
- Searchlight Prisms (H. Chas. Judge Mfg Co.)
- Sears, Roebuck & Co (House Wiring Made Easy)
- Seattle, Washington (vault lights gallery)
- Sediver
- Semi-Prism Glass Co.
- Sergeant Glass Co.
- Sergeant Wire Glass Co.
- Severus, Emperor Alexander [2] [3]
- Shackerley Group Ltd (vault lights)
- Shapiro Iron Works Co.
- Shartr (Cathedral of Chartres)
- Shears (glassmaker's tool)
- Sheet Metal Products (Berger Mfg Co)
- Sheringham's Ventilator
- Side pin (Surge)
- Sidewalk lights (another name for vault lights)
- Sidewalk Lights (Brown Bros Mfg Co)
- Sidewalk prisms (another name for vault lights)
- Sidon [2] [3]
- Siemens (architectural glass)
- Siemens Glas/Glass/Verre/Vetro/Vidrio
- Sigma
- Signal Corps (U.S. Army) Insulators
- Silberberg, Maxime
- Silchester
- Silentiarius, Paulus
- Silex (sand) [2]
- Silvered Glass (Popper buttons)
- Simon de Thysac (founder of La Rochère glassworks)
- Simplex vault lights (John McGuigan & Co.)
- Site map
- Skip (coal mining)
- Skylight glass
- Skylight that Ventilates Just as Efficiently as it Daylights, A (American 3-Way Luxfer)
- Slane, Mr. Patrick
- Sloan & Davidson, Ltd. (pavement lights)
- Smeedes, Jan
- Smetz Glass
- Smith, G. W. and H. (coal/manhole covers)
- Smith, L. E. Glass Co. (vault lights)
- Smith & Lovett (vault lights)
- Smith Wire & Iron Works (vault lights)
- Snake stones
- Snead Architectural Iron Works (vault lights)
- Snead & Co. Iron Works (vault lights)
- Snead Glass Co. (vault lights)
- Sneath Glass Co. (vault lights)
- Snyder, Asa (Hyatt lights)
- Snyder's Patt. Electric Insulator (piano insulator?)
- Sociedad Española de Piedra Vidrio y de Construcciones Garchey
- Societa Accom. Ital. Vetrocemento Armato (SAIVA) Luxfer
- Société Anonyme Établissement Boileau-Mercier
- Société Anonyme La Pierre de Verre Garchey (glass stone)
- Société Continentale du Verre-Soleil (prism glass)
- Société des Prismes Luxfer (prism glass)
- Société de Verreries de Dorignies (hollow glass bricks)
- Société Parisienne d'Exploitation des Procédés Ceramiques Garchey (glass stone)
- SoHo walking tour (cast-iron architecture)
- Solar Prism Co.
- SOLLUX glass floor tiles
- SOLORAP (prism tile)
- Sombrero (suspension insulator)
- Soper patent ring
- South Pole (Byrd, First Radio Message, Pyrex)
- Southwark Foundry Company (Hayward Brothers)
- Spangled Glass (Popper buttons)
- Spanish Glass Stone and Garchey Construction Company
- Spectacles (first)
- Spectroscope
- Spike deck prism
- Spiralite tile
- Spirit of Electricity (statue)
- Splashed glass (type of Venetian glass)
- Spring tool (glassmaking)
- Stained Glass
- Stained glass windows
- Stallboard lights
- Standard Glass Co. (vault lights)
- Stangate Glass Works (Christy's coal plate)
- Stangate Glass Works (John Fell Christy's illuminated coal cover)
- Stannic acid
- Star-work
- Stephinus' Sailing Chariot
- Stereoscope
- Steubenville
- Steward & Stevens Iron Works (vault lights)
- Stiegel, Henry William
- Stockholm natural history museum (Luxfer leaded glass)
- Stockton, California (vault lights gallery)
- Storm disconnect on beehive insulator
- Story of Glass Containers, The (Glass Container Manufacturers Institute, Inc)
- Story of Libbey, The (Owens-Illinois)
- Stourbridge clay [2]
- Strabo [2]
- Straight pin (Surge)
- Strain insulators
- Structural Glass Corporation (vault lights)
- Students' Manual for the Practical Instruction of Learners of Telegraphy (J. H. Bunnell & Co)
- Suboxide of copper
- Sulley, Henry (BP Nº15678, prism glass, dated 1886)
- Sullivan, Eugene Cornelius
- Sunburst Prism Light Co.
- Suqrie, Messieurs de
- Surge (Babson Brothers)
- Suspension and Strain Insulators (Pyrex)
- Suspension Insulator Ratings and Dimensions (Sediver)
- Suspension insulators
- Sweet's Catalogue (Prism Glass Index)
- Syracuse (Archimedes' burning glasses)
- Syria
- Valliant, Messieurs (gentlemen glassmakers)
- Val-Saint-Lambert
- Val-Saint-Lambert Cristalleries du Val Saint Lambert
- Van Dorn Iron Works Co. (vault lights)
- Vault Light Corporation
- Vault lights
- Venetian ball [2] [3]
- Venetian frosted glass
- Venetian glass [2] [3] [4] [5]
- Venice [2]
- Venice drinking-cups
- Vera-Lux (trademark, Emile Sanders, Amsterdam prism glass maker)
- Verre-Soleil (prism glass société)
- Versailles
- Vesuvius
- Vetroarredo (glass blocks, pavers, etc)
- Vetrocemento
- VI-BO insulators (Colombia, CD 154)
- Vidre come
- Villa Bergeret (square Falconnier briques)
- Violet glass formula
- Virgil
- Virgille, Messieurs de
- Visscher, Anna, Gertrude, and Maria
- Vitral™ glass blocks and prisms (German trademark)
- Vitro di trino [2] [3]
- Voelker (Schulz & Voelker) (vault lights)
- Vulcan Co. (vault lights)
- Wales
- Wallace Machine & Foundry Co. (vault lights)
- Wall bushing gallery
- Walter, Master (stained glass)
- Wanted
- Warka (Mesopotamia)
- Warsaw (Falconnier Glass Bricks)
- Washboard glass
- Washington Cathedral
- Waste of glass (during manufacture)
- Water glass
- Wax red glass formula
- Wear Flint Glass Works, see Greener & Co (vault lights)
- Wedgwood, Josiah [2]
- Weil, J. Emil (Solar Prism Co.)
- Welding glass
- Wellsville
- Western Sand Blast Co
- Westfalia*Surge
- Westing & Hafers (vault lights)
- Westminster Abbey
- "W" glass
- Whalley
- Whatsits gallery
- Wheeling
- Whipsnade Zoo Cafe (Lenscrete glass walls)
- Whitall-Tatum Co
- White-damp (coal mining)
- White Mills
- Wight, Isle of (sand)
- William of Sens (architect, stained glass, Canterbury)
- Williamsburg
- Wilson, H. & Co. (vault lights)
- Window tax
- Windsor Castle
- Wine-glass
- Winslow patent ring
- Winstre
- Wiring (House Wiring Made Easy), Sears, Roebuck & Co
- Wistarberg
- Wistar, Caspar
- WLW (Pyrex)
- Wooden insulators (S.F., current picture)
- Wright (Frank Lloyd)
- Wyndus, Edward (BP Nº232, prism glass, dated 1684)
- ∅