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586,249 · Soper · "Window-Light" · Page 2
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the receiving-surface being broken by a series of wide grooves whose sides are nearly perpendicular to the plane surfaces of such receiving side.
    3. As a new article of manufacture, a prism-light comprising a glass body substantially flat and having on the receiving side extended plane surfaces and on the other side a series of prisms systematically arranged to produce an increased illuminating effect in the apartment, the receiving side being broken by a series of faces nearly perpendicular to the plane surfaces, such prisms and perpendicular faces running across the prism-light substantially at right angles to each other.
    4. As a new article of manufacture, a prism-light
comprising a glass body substantially flat, having on the receiving side extended plane surfaces and on the other side a series of prisms systematically arranged to produce an increased illuminating effect in the apartment, the receiving-surface being broken by a series of wide grooves whose sides are nearly perpendicular to the plane surfaces of such receiving side, such prisms and grooves running across the prism-light at substantially right angles to each other.